Intelligence for leading decision makers
Since 1987, East & Partners’ market research, analysis and advisory services has informed the decision making of leading financial services providers and banks globally. We give our clients unbiased access into the true voice of their customers, providing the competitive edge they need to navigate the complex and dynamic B2B financial services and banking markets, providing better outcomes for their organisations, their customers, and our industry.
Evaluate your performance and market positioning against your competitors.
Test, refine and de-risk your business decision-making and investments.
Plan for fast-evolving business banking market trends and shifting customers expectations.
Inform and define your “next step” actions on evidence-based metrics.
Increase your mind, wallet and relationship shares and overall market penetration.
Achieve best-in-class solutions and services by mapping against market demands.
We ensure unbiased and confidential dialogue with the customer, with response rates over 85%, and high quality, engaged interviewee participation by entering strict non-disclosure agreements when and where interviewees request it. We have never given incentives for businesses to participate in our research and have never needed to.
We conduct all 76,800+ direct annual interviews and fieldwork with decision-makers responsible for their business’ banking relationships to ensure the intelligence we collect is accurate and verifiable.
We provide intelligence into our clients’ market. We go to extensive lengths to guarantee our insights can be referenced to the population at large, using central census data to map our sample against; we do not ask clients for customer lists given the risk of bias this method carries.
We place great importance on our relationships with our clients and the insights and success our collaboration brings to your organisation, in the long term.
East & Partners is a leading global specialist business banking market research and analysis firm. Our core expertise is in the provision of analysis and advisory services tailored for the commercial, business and institutional banking markets.
East’s research is based on more than 76,800+ direct interviews annually across the globe on customers’ interactions and relationships with their financial service providers. These interviews are conducted via direct Zoom/Teams calls with key decision makers – CFOs, treasurers, finance directors and business owners, to ensure honest and confidential dialogue.
East has never given incentives for businesses to participate nor needed to. The research encompasses all business segments from Micro Businesses with an annual turnover of $1–5 million through to large corporates with annual turnovers of $725 million plus.
Measuring and forecasting underlying customer demand is a core competency for East, leveraging reliable voice of the customer research to drive insights, actionable strategy imperatives and product recommendations for client banks and financial service providers.
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At East & Partners we work together as one firm to serve our clients wherever they need us.
Our collective knowledge and experience across global markets helps us guide clients on the intricacies of each region while enabling cohesion across their global footprint. Apples with apples and pears with pears in complex and demanding financial services markets
Please call us for all enquiries.
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