(29 November 2010 – Australia) Over the past year Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have reported that contact initiated by their bank has significantly dropped, according to East & Partners’ latest Business Banking Sentiment Index (BBSI).
In November 2009, over 60 percent of SMEs reported being directly contacted by their banking institution over the last month.
- One year on and this number has nearly halved, with only 31.2 percent of SMEs saying they have had direct personal contact, initiated by their bank, in the last month.
This is a stark contrast to the mid-corporate segment where more than two in three businesses report receiving bank initiated contact each month.
About East & Partners’ Business Banking Sentiment Index
East & Partners’ Business Banking Sentiment Index is an aggregated rating metric comprising four different measures of customer sentiment – Empathy, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Advocacy.
Each month, East & Partners’ research team conducts telephone interviews with a sample of 750 businesses nationally, providing an in depth study of businesses in the A$1 to 5 million, A$5 to 20 million and A$20 to 100 million turnover segments across Australia.
For more information please contact:
Kimberley Burgess
Marketing Communications
East & Partners
t: 02-9004 7848
m: 0405 250 796
e: kimberley.b@eastandpartners.com