(23 July 2008 – Australia) For the second successive month, Bank of Queensland has been rated as the leading bank in East & Partners’ Business Banking Sentiment Index (BBSI).The BBSI is a comprehensive look at the customers’ feelings of empathy, loyalty, satisfaction and advocacy towards their main bank.
BOQ business customers in the $1 to 100 million turnover segment recorded a higher sentiment towards their bank than any other customers.
BOQ again moved further clear of its main rival, St George, with scores of 61.4 and 58.9, out of a possible 100, respectively.
This month’s results show a general increase in the sentiment of businesses towards their banks, with the overall score increasing from 42.3 last month to 42.5 this month.
The total sentiment score of 42.5 is the highest sentiment recorded by businesses since October 2006. Sentiment over the first half of 2008 has generally been moving upwards.
The biggest gains this month were seen by Citibank and Westpac. Both banks have made good ground this year in business customer sentiment.
Of the Big Four banks, NAB is the leading bank with a score of 54.7, followed by Westpac, which is making good gains over recent months to a score of 41.3. ANZ and CBA both fell in sentiment this month, with ANZ on 37.2 and CBA at the bottom of the list of all banks with a lowly 22.7.
Of the four measures that make up overall sentiment in the BBSI, St George customers have the most empathy towards their bank and are the most satisfied, while BOQ customers are the most loyal and the biggest advocates.