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East & Partners Terms and Conditions

All reports are the property of East & Partners Pty Ltd and are made available to a restricted number of clients only upon these terms and conditions. East & Partners reserves all rights herein. Reproduction or disclosure in whole or in part to parties other than the East & Partners’ client which is the original subscriber to any report is permitted only with the written and express consent of a director of East & Partners. All reports shall be treated at all times as a confidential and proprietary document for internal use only. Additional copies of publications may be obtained from:

East & Partners Pty Ltd
Level 17, 2 Chifley Sqaure
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9238 4219
ABN: 23 151 025 599


East & Partners Research Reference Usage Policy

East & Partners Pty Ltd (East) name and published materials are subject to copyright protection, regardless of source. To use the “East” name, take excerpts of East research or quote East analysts, a usage request must be submitted in writing to East for approval. Such approval is at the discretion of East. East reserves the right of refusal.

To protect our reputation for objectivity, we require the appropriate use of our company name and research. The East name, intellectual property, trademarks, or logo may only be used commercially in connection with advertising, sales materials or other commercial efforts with East’s explicit approval for each instance of use. This policy defines the criteria that will be used to issue that approval.

  • All requested quotes, data references, or excerpts from East & Partners’ research for external use by clients or non clients must be pre-approved by East in writing before publication.
  • All East research and intellectual property is subject to this Usage Policy. This applies to all contexts where East’s name appears such as advertising, marketing materials, annual reports, bank statements, media releases, newsletters, presentations and speeches.
  • Any references to East research must be clearly and fully sourced to the original analysis report or source document.
  • Reasonable use of East research for internal purposes within client organisations is allowed and does not require pre-approval. All copyrighted material should be clearly marked “For internal use only” and be fully and accurately sourced to East.
  • Quotes, references to East research and excerpts from East Research Notes, media releases and other materials must refer to the most recent report wherever possible and be no older than 12 months old. Any references to East research must be produced in the correct context.
  • East research may not be used to endorse a vendor, product, service, or to criticise a vendor’s competitor. No company-specific excerpts are permitted as they may imply endorsement within the context of vendor materials.
  • Subscribing clients must not reproduce the results of rival providers for external marketing purposes, nor appear to denigrate competitors externally based on East research.
  • Requests for unpublished research are unable to be processed until all subscribing clients have received the full report.
  • East’s name may not appear in the title or sub-title of media releases, newsletters or subject line of an email. Custom quotes (e.g. quotes that East has provided to a client for external marketing purposes) may not appear any earlier than the second paragraph of media releases.

Banking News Terms and Conditions


  • East & Partners may exclude or cancel any clients’ subscription if they are in breach of the following terms and conditions.
  • East & Partners may at anytime modify these terms and conditions by notifying clients via email.

Subscribers of Banking News

  • Access is strictly for subscribers only.
  • East & Partners may at any stage refuse to accept any subscription application.
  • East & Partners does not accept any liability for the accuracy of any of the content found in Banking News.
  • East & Partners cannot guarantee that subscribers will at all times be able to access the website, or that it will be uninterrupted or secure.
  • East & Partners is not liable for any losses arising from the use of information relayed in Banking News.
  • East & Partners Banking News is not intended to replace financial advice and does not hold a financial services licence.


Should a requestor fail to comply with this policy, East reserves the right to impose quote bans of varying durations, including a ban on all use of the East name. For repeat or persistent violators, such ban will be for a minimum period of (3) months. In addition, East may seek additional remedies available under contract, copyright and other applicable law.