Government Renewables Push Earns Groundswell of Support - MinterEllison

Environmental, Regulatory & Government, Social and Governance (ESG)

(1 August 2023 – Australia) The Australian government’s ardent renewables position is building investor confidence quickly according to MinterEllison.

Investors remain positive about the outlook for renewable energy investment in Australia as the government’s push for renewables and extensive decarbonisation activity is also underpinning investor confidence.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are set to be a key driver of future sustainability transition trends while the decarbonisation shift by oil and gas investors are particularly notable. Notably, one in every six deals transacted in 2022 in the Australian renewables M&A market involved assets linked to hydrogen production which has garnered significant attention in recent years and formed the focus of Citi GPS this month – A Reality Check on the Hydrogen Craze.

“The country’s renewable energy prospects are attracting substantial interest, whether that be from strategic investors, ESG-focused funds or traditional energy providers looking for transitional assets. The Renewable Energy Zones, particularly Central-West Orana and New England, will provide the backbone for massive forward investment in generation, firming and storage, and provide a clear investment signal” said MinterEllison Partner, Simon Harvey.

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