(2 July 2010 – Australia) Business customers continue to embrace online business banking as a method of interaction with their primary banking provider, according to the latest edition of East & Partners’ Business Banking Customer Satisfaction Monitor (BBCSM).
in November 2007, less than one third of enterprises used online business banking
- in May 2010, this number has dramatically increased with almost 100 percent of enterprises now using the online channel
Of all the different channels monitored in the BBCSM, online business banking
is the most widely used.
However, Product Specialists continue to gain momentum in terms of usage with
this channel now overtaking the Relationship Manager to become the second most
widely used channel by business customers.
About the East & Partners’ Business Banking Customer Satisfaction Monitor
The Business Banking Customer Satisfaction Monitor is based on interviews
conducted each month Australia-wide with a structured sample of 850 companies
turning over A$5-500 million per annum, some 10,200 direct interviews with
business banking customers annually.
For more information please contact:
Brett Williamson
Chief Operating Officer
East & Partners
t: 02-9004 7848
m: 0403 499 844
e: brett.w@eastandpartners.com