Trump Adviser Pushes for Tariffs on Goods Circumventing US Ports Via South America

Regulatory & Government

(18 November 2024 – Peru) A key adviser to President Elect Trump proposes 60 percent tariffs set to be applied to Chinese goods should also be extended to goods from any country that pass through a new port Beijing has constructed in Peru.

The expanded duty is designed to account for “transshipment”, the process through which goods from one country enter another and then get re-exported to their final destination market at lower tariff rates than direct shipments. The duties should apply to goods from China or countries in South America that pass through the new deep-water port Chancay, a town north of Lima.

Transshipment via LatAm has been a key focus area for the US, especially ports in Mexico which overtook China as the US’s top trading partner following Trump’s trade war with Beijing during his first administration from 2016-2020.

“Any product going through Chancay or any Chinese-owned or controlled port in the region should be subject to 60 percent tariff, as if the product was from China” commented Trump Transition Team Adviser Mauricio Claver-Carone.

“It’s a shot across the bow to any country that partners on maritime infrastructure with China, including Mexico.”

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