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Chinese banks expect to fall short of loan targets

Chinese banks expect to fall short of loan targets

(29 May 2012 – China) Due to a spreading economic downturn, China’s banking sector is expected to fall short of loan targets for the first time in about seven years. A drop in lending in April and May make it likely that banks’ total new loans for 2012 will come to some US$1.1 trillion (A$1.12 trillion), far less than the estimated government goal of US$1.3 trillion.

Banks are relying more and more on small and medium enterprises for loan growth after a sharp fall in demand from the biggest state- owned borrowers.

The economy is projected to grow at its slowest pace in 13 years this year.

New bank loans last month dropped 33 percent from March to US$107 billion, well below the US$123 billion median forecast by economists.

Lending might decelerate further in May as the four biggest banks that account for about 40 percent of lending have advanced only US$5.4 billion as of 20 May.

Fitch Ratings last week warned that China’s non-performing debt and special-mention loans were vastly understated and banks’ cushions are thinning as deposit growth slows and forbearance reduced loan repayments.
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