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Citigroup upgrades

Citigroup upgrades

(27 August 2010 – Australia) Citigroup Australia is set to carve itself a niche in the Australian market by rolling out new digital services to the bank’s retail, corporate and institutional clients. The bank, which received a licence in Australia 25 years ago, has said it will roll out ‘innovative services based on the latest technologies’ for its retail, corporate and institutional clients over the next 12 months.

The bank, which became the first retail bank in the country to upgrade its online banking to allow users to view local and offshore accounts from a single view, plans to add a mobile service for retail customers and a new high tech ‘smart branch’ in Sydney.

Citi also plans to upgrade its foreign exchange trading platform for corporate clients, its online platform for customers in treasury teams called CitiDirect BE, a distribution platform for clients of Global Markets called Citi Velocity and a trading engine for institutional investors.

Andrew Butcher, head, operations and technology, Asia Pacific, Citi, said that Citi has long been known for banking innovation, and it is a mantle we plan to retain with the intelligent use of the latest technology.

Our strategy is focused on providing services that are global, simple, cost efficient, fast and secure, Mr Butcher added.
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