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FSU, no deal reached yet

FSU, no deal reached yet

(12 February 2010 – Australia) Media reports indicating a deal has been reached on Westpac’s employees pay is incorrect, according to the Financial Sector Union (FSU). In a statement, the FSU said that an agreement had not been reached with the bank other than to agree that FSU members now need to consider what is on the negotiating table and provide their feedback.

Since mid 2009, FSU members have been negotiating terms for a new enterprise agreement with the bank.

The reported possible conclusion put to members included, a pay increase over two years of up to four percent, an increase in maternity leave from 12 to 13 weeks and a newly established dispute resolution service that complies with the Rudd Government's Fair Work laws.

However, Westpac has requested that the new agreement allows for more flexible working hours and a reduction in penalty pay for work outside of normal office hours.

The FSU has said that it is now consulting with members about Westpac’s response to explain the details of what has been offered, and will be asking for union members’ views on where negotiations need to go.

The FSU also said that its members are the union and its members will be the people who make the decisions about any agreement.

Westpac's head of people and transformation, Peter Hanlon, told the Herald Sun that he was due to meet FSU national secretary Leon Carter about the proposals at a meeting in Sydney on Thursday.

Westpac are very happy with the spirit in which these talks have been conducted and I am hopeful an agreement can be reached soon, Mr Hanlon added.
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