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Investment bank keeps position in the family

Investment bank keeps position in the family

(9 March 2012 – New Zealand) Rob Morrison was named chairman of investment bank Morrison & Co, founded by his late brother Lloyd. The investment bank is best known for its control of infrastructure giant Infratil, speaking at an annual Infratil investor dinner chief operating officer Lib Petagna confirmed that his new boss would be the current chair of Kiwibank.

'It's really not much of a change for me, having gone from one Morrison to another Morrison for the last 24 years,' said Petagna, who was apparently poached to work for Lloyd from Rob in the 1980s.

Lloyd Morrison, who died last month three years after being diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia, founded Morrison & Co in 1988, setting up Infratil several years later.

The organisation, which even now has fewer than 50 employees, has grown to own airports, energy companies, transport groups, property and hundreds of petrol stations. It manages more than NZ$2.5 billion (A$1.9 billion) in assets.
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