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Mac Bank makes key hire

Mac Bank makes key hire

(5 August 2010−Australia) Macquarie Bank has sent an internal email to staff announcing the appointment of veteran bank analyst Craig Turton. Mr Turon, who has spent 20 years in the industry including time with AMP, has been hired to lead the team comprising of Michael Wibiln and Cameron Pierce.

Matt Nacard said in the email to staff that a further two associates hires would soon join other sectors of the bank.

Mr Turton will be working closely with Mike Wiblin who I think has done an excellent job in the interim (Mike and Cameron were the first to talk about banks' potential to reprice after the election, amongst other things), the email from Mr Nacard said.

Craig, Mike and Cam will make a strong combination, Mr Nacard added.

The announcement of the hires come only days after Jonathan Mott, a UBS analyst, published a note suggesting Macquarie should cut overall job numbers to increase compensation, but retain talented staff.
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