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SGB goes state centric

SGB goes state centric

(4 September 2009 – Australia) In a move to focus even more on the customer experience, St George has restructured its retail and business units into a structure based around six state based units. The Australian Financial Review reported that St George chief executive, Greg Bartlett, has decided to change the structure of the bank to a state centric model, and away from the retail and business banking split.

The planned change won’t cause any job losses and includes a plan to open as many as 20 branches over the next 12 months.

The six state units, including two within NSW, will report in directly to Mr Bartlett. In NSW, there will be a Northern NSW unit as well as a Southern NSW and ACT business unit.

The other four state units are Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia, which includes the Bank SA brand.

All six units will combine retail, as well as business and corporate banking into the one function.

Mr Bartlett told the AFR that different communities have different requirements, and the move was about ensuring the bank meets the needs of these different geographies.

Further, Bartlett thought that bringing the retail and business bank together will allow the bank to consider the total requirements of customers.

The new state MDs are Greg Kenny (Northern NSW), Andrew Moore (Southern NSW and ACT), Peter Lock (Victoria), Martin Barrett (Queensland), Malcolm Talbot (WA) and Rob Chapman (SA).
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