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Top 500 companies increasingly look to their RM

Top 500 companies increasingly look to their RM

(9 June 2010 – Australia) East & Partners' latest Australian Institutional Banking Markets report reveals that a bank’s Relationship Manager (RM) is increasingly being used as a source of advice regarding financial management and banking matters for the Top 500 companies in Australia.
  • since April 2007, the number of Top 500 enterprises using their RM as a source of advice for their financial management and business matters has more than doubled

  • interestingly, as engagement with the RM increases, enterprises are also reporting higher levels of satisfaction with their RMs, growing from 2.56 in April 2007 to 2.33 in April 2010 (where 0 = satisfied and 5 = dissatisfied)

However, despite this rise, the RM still has a way to go in terms of being the number one choice for financial advice, with the majority of institutions from the top end of two still using business colleagues and associates for advice on their institution’s financial management and business matters.

About East & Partners’ Institutional Banking Markets Program

East & Partners’ Institutional Banking Markets report is an ongoing six-monthly research service designed to deliver bank market share, wallet share, customer satisfaction, mind share, engagement and churn analysis for banking products among institutional enterprises turning over A$340 million + per annum. The report is based on interviews with the top 500 businesses in Australia

For more information please contact:

Brett Williamson
Chief Operating Officer
East & Partners
t: 02-9004 7848
m: 0403 499 844

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