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Britain needs better banks

Britain needs better banks

(15 October 2009 – UK) A UK consumer body, called Which?, is inviting bank customers to visit a new website to select a theme tune for a new bank-bashing campaign, dubbed 'Britain Needs Better Banks’. The anti-bank campaign is the result of research conducted by Which?, that revealed almost two thirds of people are still angry with the banks for causing the financial crisis.

The research also showed that 80 percent of those surveyed, believe that senior level bankers have got away without having to pay the consequences for their actions and a third of those interviewed said that the government should allow them to go under rather that bail them out next time.

The consumer body highlighted that over £120 billion (A$209 billion) of taxpayer money has gone into the banking system to keep it afloat.

Just under four out of five, believe that the banks have not done enough to ensure that the credit crunch does not happen again.

Three out of five of the people sampled do not believe that banks have learned their lesson from the crisis.

In an effort to make their points noticed, the consumer group has launched a website where consumers can vote on a theme song, summing up peoples views on banks or suggest their own.

A few of the listed songs include, Gold Digger- Kayne West, Hey Big Spender- Shirley Bassey, I’m Paying Taxes, What Am I Buying- Fred Wesley and the JBs, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word- Elton John and The Winner Takes It All- ABBA.

Louise Hanson, head of campaigns for Which?, said that consumers are wary of what the banks say and it is not going to be easy for the banks to regain the public's trust.
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