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Santander to rebrand in UK

Santander to rebrand in UK

(1 June 2009 – UK) Spanish bank, Santander, has announced that it will rebrand its UK businesses, replacing well known English brand names by the end of 2010. The three Santander owned entities of Abbey, Alliance and Leicester (A&L), and Bradfield and Bingley (B&B) will be rebranded as Santander by the end of 2010.

The move gives the bank a bigger brand presence in the UK and gives customers access to over 1,300 branches of three brands in total.

António Horta-Osório, chief executive of Santander’s UK Businesses said that the move follows the integration of all Santander’s businesses onto a new single IT platform and is intended to give a bigger UK presence for the brand.

Santander acquired Abbey in November 2004, in a retail banking expansion, while the bank acquired A&L and the B&B savings business in 2008, due to the unprecedented market turmoil that hit both UK brands.

The Bradford & Bingley brand, however, will still exist as an entity, owned by HM Treasury, as Santander acquired only the savings business.

Abbey and Bradford & Bingley’s 1,000 branches will be rebranded from the first quarter 2010, while Alliance & Leicester will change by end of 2010, taking total number of Santander branches to 1,300 in the UK.

Along with the 1300 branches, Santander has around 4,500 cash machines and a full range of retail and corporate banking services to 24 million customers.
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